Abstract Project: AWIPEV_0042

Habitat change of the lichen Foveolaria nivalis

Burkhard Becker(Univ.Cologne)

Foveolaria nivalis (formerly known as Flavocetaria nivalis) is a very common lichen of polar and alpine areas, usually found in open, rocky habitats. During last year's summer expedition to AWIPEV, we found Foveolaria nivalis all over Kongsforden, growing on stones, rocks and more rarely between plants, but never forming large and dense cushions. Only in a limited area on the slope of Knolen mountain on the northern side of Kongsforden we did find a completely different habitat and growth pattern for F. nivalis. F. nivalis formed huge cushions on top of plants, mainly Dryas octopetala and was never observed on stones and rocks. In a pilot project we want to investigate the causes and mechanisms of this habitat / growth change. We will also investigate whether the colonised plants are negatively affected by F. nivalis.

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